And... we're back!

I have always found that phrase (on Gmail) amusing.

Having used both Blogger and Wordpress throughout the years, I think Wordpress has become a lot more user friendly since the last time I tried to start writing there.

So I will be:

1) continuing this blog at
2) writing ridiculous not-so-fictional stories at

I've grown quite fond of this bird perched above, the lovely premade layout which took me no effort to create, the (maybe too) extensive collection of previous posts, the comments and discussions, and many memories associated with writing here. But I guess I don't need to be sad, because I will keep writing - and it will be the same, but different.

And that's all folks. The end.


Osmond said...

For many years I'd always thought you were this other Winnie that I know.. but it all makes sense now!

bitingtravels said...

Hey Osmond, it's okay it's been many years since you were in Darwin. I think some of the people at church still remember you though haha. Looks like you've moved your blog :)


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